Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Call Me

Admittedly, as a kid I loved the phone. I would literally spend hours talking with my best friend, Greg, when we were teenagers.  And since the advent of smart phones I'm constantly texting or emailing. It's a terrible habit, I admit.

Well, Gus had been asking for a phone for quite some time, but we always told him we didn't think he was old enough.  At first, that seemed like a legitimate argument. Then, increasingly, his friends started sporting phones, and we began to see how other parents used them to keep tabs on kids.

So when Kelly got a new (gigantic) phone, we ended up with an extra phone on our preexisting plan. Guess who talked his way into it? Actually, it has proven to be convenient to text Gus a message to come home, or for him to be able to call us when he needs.

The downside is he'd be in constant phone contact with his buddies if we let him...even when it's not necessary. The other day we were at my cousin's house celebrating her son's birthday, and I discovered Gus and his buddy, Zach, texting each other...sitting less than a foot apart.

God help us when he becomes a teenager.

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