Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Little Too Authentic

As you may remember, dear reader, this past August I ceased being a vegetarian and began eating fish. I made this decision on the advice of medical and nutritional experts in order to get better control of my glucose.

Today I received the results of my annual blood tests. Both my A1c (the percentage of hemoglobin coated in sugar - a determination of diabetes) and my average blood sugar are down. (Though we still have a ways to go.) Additionally, my hereditarily crazy high triglycerides are down 10%!

My taste for fish actually surprised me. I like it far more than I though I would. I also think I've become a more adventurous diner. For example, a couple of weeks ago, my sister and I took the boys to lunch at their favorite Mexican restaurant, La Macarena. This place has to be good, because we're usually the only non Latinos in the place (and on more than one occasion the boys and I have been spoken to in Spanish.)

With my expanded horizons, I ordered the tilapia. When it arrived, the boys gasped in horror. It was, well, smiling back at me.
The fish was delicious, so tasty and authentic. However, for this guy, the presentation was a bit over the top. I only ate the area between the head and tail. The boys were mortified, daring me to eat the eyes. I may eat fish but there's only so much authenticity I can take!

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