In that short period of time, I've learned 10 very important lessons.
10 - Meeting my 10,000 steps goal isn't a problem. He needs a lot of exercise.We go for four or five long walks a day!
9 - He can climb trees.
8 - The cats are beginning to speak to us they've discovered he's afraid of them.
7 - He's quick to pick up Greek.
6 - He loves to snuggle up in his crate.
5 - He charmed Papou immediately (he has special treats at the grandparents'), who calls him Chauncey.
4 - He has me wrapped around his little finger.
3 - He's far better at waking the boys up by licking them than is any alarm clock.
2 - He listens far better than the boys!
1 - Every boy really does need a dog!
...yup, as well as every girl