Friday, April 17, 2015

You're Going to Stick it WHERE?

At my last physical, my young doctor took note of my birthday and told me it was time for a colonoscopy. Oh joy. Oh rapture.

Being the kind of guy that usually does whatever his doctor suggests, as my big 5-0 approached, I scheduled what I consider to be the ultimate in invasive procedures.

On Wednesday, I dutifully reported to the gastroenterologist. Here's what I learned:

1. No matter how frequently it occurs, having someone mistake my sister for my wife never ceases to be creepy.
2. Even a nurse with over 20 years of experience can butcher an arm trying to stab an IV into it.
3. The "prep" really is the very worst part of the procedure.
4. Having a doctor describe your innards as being "sparklingly clean" is a moment of icky pride.
5. Going 38 hours without eating anything makes me dream about delicious-looking sandwiches.

Oh, and there's nothing to be concerned about. But I'm still not posting the photos!

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