Thursday, March 5, 2015

Back to School

When I was a kid, there were some school subjects that I really enjoyed, and others that were less enjoyable. It's probably not a coincidence that the classes I liked earned me the best grades. History and English were a dream. Science and mathematics? More like a nightmare. Even today, I can't hear the word, "chemistry" without breaking out into a cold sweat.

We recently learned that Gus is behind in his Language Arts (English) class. The advantage of the school the boys attend is that it is designed to allow students to move at their own pace, so he can make up the missed assignments.

What shocked me was  the reason he fell behind in the first place: he finds Language Arts boring!

Under my unappreciated guidance, he's been able to make significant headway toward catching up. As I've helped him count out syllables for his haiku, explained onomatopoetic words, and guided him to identify adjectives and adverbs - all with the gusto of a recently reborn preacher -Gus has trudged through it all with the enthusiasm of someone, who just learned his entire summer vacation will be spent painting fences.

Well, at least I'm having some fun!

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