Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome Herakles

Greek mythology is filled with Zeus carousing with various women, and Hera, his wife, seeking vengence for being wronged. Take the story of Herakles, son of Zeus and a mortal woman. When Hera found out about the would-be hero, she sent a baby gift of two snakes to kill him. Joke was on her, Herakles killed the serpents in his crib.

I'm sure you all remember Gus's snake, Zeus, who disappeared from his habitat more than a year ago, and is presumed to have met a final fate similar to his mythological brothers.
Well, today his habitat is once again occupied. Hoping for a happier future for his newest pet, Gus has named this little corn snake Herakles.
If you're wondering why he's not called Hercules, well, in this Greek household, we believe in preserving mythology in its pure, original form and not some Roman bastardization!

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