Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Grow Some Teeth!

Babies, by their nature of being, well, babies, have absolutely no control over their bodies, what comes out of those bodies, or where it ends up. There's not a parent in the world, who hasn't been spat up on...or worse.

When the boys were babies, I had very few issues with all the gross body fluids that seemingly came flying out of them at all times.  I didn't mind wiping noses or butts.  Not that I want to start up again any time soon.

But there is another natural kids' body event that turns my stomach: the loss of teeth. Now that Niko is 71/2, he's starting to lose his "baby teeth" left and right. And almost daily he tortures me wiggling a soon-to-go-missing tooth, or worse yet, he shows me the big, gaping hole where just days before a perfectly fine tooth had once resided.

Seriously, for a guy that has been peed, puked and pooped on, you'd think a tooth dropping out wouldn't phase me in the  least.

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