Thursday, April 3, 2014

Long Live the Queen

You may remember that several months ago I wrote about Athena's transformation from aloof cat into affectionate kitty after spending a few weeks fending for herself on the mean streets of Murray.  But even after she decided being petted and sleeping in our bed was pretty nice, she always had a healthy respect for  our personal space and never came near our laps.
But recently that all changed. One day last week, I was working away when all of a sudden she jumped up onto my lap and made herself at home.
A couple of days later, I was mentioning this new habit to my mom, when my brother Mike casually said, "Gracie's gone." I confirmed that indeed our good dog was no longer with us, when he said, "No, I know that. I mean that cat is on your lap because Gracie's gone."

I'd never thought about it in those terms before, but reflecting on Athena's relationship with Gracie, it began to make sense. Gracie was extremely tolerant of the cats that came to live at her house. Sometimes she was even happy to see them. Occasionally, in a blaze of glory, she'd half-hardheartedly bark at Athena, sending the cat fleeing and Gracie's tail thumping in laughter.

But when it came to me, there was no room for play, I was Gracie's human and her's alone.  And any of the animals, who forgot that were quickly was I with her head pushed onto my lap and a reassuring head pat requested.

Now Gracie's gone, Athena is free to show her affection for me safely, and confidently claim her rightful spot on my lap.
The queen is dead, long live the queen!

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