Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Leadership Skills

Some times, Niko and I get along like oil and water. Our personalities are so similar that we're like two tectonic plates pushing against one another - sooner or later an earthquake is going to rumble and a mountain range is going to burst forth!

I know that in color-energy theory I am a red. You may remember a couple of years ago I blogged about discovering this fact in a training session led by my now friend Mary Hladio. When Mary meets Niko, she will be able to "diagnose" him as sharing my color within 30 seconds of saying hello.

Not only are Niko and I both reds, but we tend to be proud of that fact...stubbornly so. The training session analysis described my management style as one that "Disregards certain opinions and ideas which differ from his own." And therein lies the problem: Niko does the same damn thing. There's a reason my family teases me about getting a paternity test!

Our mutual refusal to budge on issues of disagreement scales from skirmishes to thermonuclear wars. Today's epic battle included Niko's refusal to sit in a chair to cool his temper down, leading to my threat to tie him to that chair, which elicited peals of laughter from Niko...something he knows pushes my buttons. It was not pretty to say the least.

Mary likes to remind me that I get overly focused on red's less flattering attributes, so when the dust settled today I tried to look at Niko's personality traits that drive me crazy in a more a positive light.  He has conviction. He isn't easily intimidated. He's persuasive. He has all the hallmarks of a born leader.

My challenge is to learn how to help him foster these attributes while limiting their less flattering effects. Of course, if I knew how do that, my analysis wouldn't have suggested that people should try to agree with me whenever possible.

Well, he does have one thing going for him that I cannot deny. He's damn cute. And he uses that to his advantage!

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