Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Persecuted Little Christian

A little girl at church is in love with Niko.  As soon as she spies me, she twists and turns trying to get a glimpse of him. A couple of times I feared she was going to pop her head clear off twisting and contorting her neck just to see him.

Really, all she wants from him is a smile or a quick wave. But Niko won't give her that satisfaction.

Today Gus served at the altar, so he and and I got to church early. When Niko arrived with my sister a little later, he noticed that I was seated in the pew directly behind this girl and her mother. His eyes shot daggers at me. The little girl spun around; delighted she grinned from ear-to-ear.

Niko dropped to the floor and seated himself on the kneeler. Barricaded, he took great interest in folding his dollar into a fan over and over again.

All the cajoling and prompting in the world couldn't pry him from his hiding place...and into the light of love.

It wasn't until his cousin George arrived in the pew behind us, that he finally dared face his persecutor and came out of hiding.

She was very pleased.

He tried his best to ignore her, and concentrated on his cousin.

Poor Niko, he's such a persecuted little Christian.

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