Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spotty Goes to Heaven

I remember once reading a Dear Abby column in which a mom sought  advice about how to console her son after he asked his evangelical pastor if the family's recently deceased pet was in heaven, and was told only people have souls, so no way Fido was behind the Pearly Gates. Made me think: what a jerk - AND  a speciest!

Well this morning I had to break the news to the boys that one of their two "teenage" guinea pigs, Spotty,  had passed away last night. He was  3 1/2 - at the bottom range of life expectancy for a cavy.

Gus's initial reaction was to say, "Oh! That's probably why when we had him out of his cage yesterday he just sat there." Then he added, "Well, he's with his dad again. And his mom and sister, right?"


"So it's a good thing," he concluded. And Niko added, "I bet they're all having a lot of fun up in heaven."


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