Sunday, June 5, 2011

School House Rock

Maybe it's 13 years of grammar and high school, 4 of college and 2 of grad school, but for me the year still starts in September and ends in May. The end of the year just happened for me.

Although I've always been a huge proponent of public schools, I feel incredibly lucky that this year the boys attended Saint Sophia Hellenic Orthodox School - it's the parochial school housed at Prophet Elias, where we go to church.

The progress both boys made in 180 days is astounding.

Sure, I can tell you how in those 9 months Gus advanced two full reading levels, mastered basic math concepts, and gained a rudimentary understanding of history, science and geography. I can attest how Niko learned to write his name, recognize all his colors, and gained a basic idea of mathematics and language arts. I can even tell you how they've both tackled the basics of Greek language, and have a much better understanding of their Orthodox Christian faith.

But most of those milestones could be achieved at any number of schools. What the boys really gained from their year at Saint Sophia can't be tested; it can't be scored. The boys strengthened their sense of belonging and self worth. They learned what it means to be accepted and embraced...and to accept and embrace. They gained self confidence.

And in my humble opinion, that's an education everyone should receive.

Gus as Cobweb in Saint Sophia's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream

Niko as a Pixie in the play

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