Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birthday Gifts

Today is Niko's 3rd birthday.

On my sons' birthdays, I always think about their mom - the woman who unknowingly gave me the greatest gift I've ever received: fatherhood. I wonder if she thinks about them, longs for them, speculates about their lives.

This morning at church I prayed for her. I prayed that she would know that her boys are in a loving home where they are part of a strong family - one that isn't quite Norman Rockwell but in which they are adored nonetheless. I prayed that she understood that their lives are filled with happiness and they are surrounded by people of all ages, who cherish them.

I prayed that if she thought of Niko today she smiled.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    Smiles all around for little Niko. Sorry for taking so long in wishing him a happy birthday. What do the fathers have planned for Halloween this year?

