Of course, I'm slightly weird: I always think of those 4-hour long films from India, where just before the intermission, the sky pours forth rain and a big musical number follows!
Many people probably don't realize that this time of year we get monsoons in Utah as well. They come in fast - the skies darken as night-black clouds race across, immediately cooling the near 100 (38C) degree temperature. And like a scene befitting the ancient gods, the rain bursts out, pelting the ground.
Almost as quickly as they arrive, the clouds disappear - giving way to summertime blue skies again.
For me, the monsoon that drenched Salt Lake late last night, was typical of my new reality. The deafening claps of thunder, sent a tearful Niko racing into our bed; while a terrorized Gracie simply tried to hide all 85 lbs (39 kilos) of herself.
Although nothing I can do will ever really reassure Gracie - if she's alone during a storm she crams herself under Kelly's desk - there is something very satisfying about seeing Niko almost immediately fall back asleep, feeling completely safe and protected nestled between his dads.
I don't know, maybe next time a monsoon rolls in, we should just take a cue from those Indian movies I secretly enjoy, and simply run outside to perform a snappy musical number!
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