Memory Grove is one of these areas. Nestled at the mouth of City Creek Canyon the creek that runs through it is the perfect place to let Gracie cool off on hot summer days. And with the snow melt having subsided, the creek isn't more than a few inches deep in most places (with some deeper pools), so now it's also the perfect place for a couple of little boys to do some exploring.
Last week we were at Memory Grove walking through the creek with Gracie, when we reached a point that was a little too deep for Niko, I took him back on to the path while Kelly and Gus continued in the water. All of a sudden, from the water we heard a shriek in a familiar masculine voice, yet several octaves higher than usual.
Niko cocked his head toward the water, and quizzed, "What's that?"
"Papa's seen a snake," I replied.
As if in confirmation, the next sound we heard was Gus' voice ringing out from the creek below, "We've found a snake!!!!"
Niko and I rushed to the water. There at a spot in the creek where the branches of several bank-dwelling trees converged over the water, we found the guys. Gus saw us and started jumping up and down in the water.
"I can't believe it! I finally saw a real snake! A real snake!!"
There on a small branch, sitting motionless in an attempt to camouflage itself was a small garter snake. Maybe 8 inches long and about as thick as my finger, it desperately tried to ignore the four humans examining him.
After a few minutes of being observed, the snake finally showed some bravado and flung himself to the next branch and freedom.
Niko and I headed back to the path, as Gus and Kelly headed further down stream; Gus, retelling every minute detail of the sighting...apparently unaware or not caring that Kelly had been there.
Back on dry land Niko and I held hands, walking quietly. Suddenly another shriek flew from the creek! Niko turned to me and said, "Papa saw another snake." And so he had...
Trust me, it looks bigger in this photo than it really was!

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